Research suggests that a significant majority of British drivers have serious safety concerns concerning driverless cars…
Driverless Safety Concerns
It remains to be seen precisely when the first truly driverless cars will take to public roads. What is clear, however, is that many people have serious safety concerns concerning the technology. A new survey, conducted by InsuretheGap, found that just one-in-twenty drivers (6%) believe they’d feel safe travelling in a driverless car. In addition, 31% said they’d only be comfortable if they could assume complete control of the vehicle at all times.
Another obstacle faced by driverless cars is that many motorists seem to enjoy driving themselves. Indeed, over a third of the surveyed drivers (35%) said they simply don’t want the technology. Indeed, just one-in-ten drivers said they’d even consider buying a driverless vehicle in the future. These figures may be somewhat depressing for the Government, which recently accounted new legislation that could see the vehicles on British roads by 2025.
Understanding the Tech
Alison Bell, operations director for Venson Automotive Solutions, has noted that whilst driverless cars are a ways off, it’s still important for businesses to understand existing ‘autonomous’ technologies. She said, “whilst fully self-drive vehicles are not yet legal in the UK, some vehicles do have semi-autonomy with advanced driver assistance (ADS) technology. By law, drivers of these vehicles must be in control at all times, so it is vital they fully understand the functionality of the technology and what the vehicle is capable of doing before they take to the road”.
She continued, “for businesses with company car and van fleets, as well as those allowing employees to use private cars for business use, it is imperative they ensure they update their HR and fleet policies to address rapidly changing laws. For example, drink driving after the staff Christmas party will be for most businesses a disciplinary offence but where will the self-drive laws stand on this in the future? Whilst it is hoped autonomous vehicle technology will improve road safety and business efficiencies, there is still a long way to go before its impact will be truly understood”.
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