Fleet Safety

Fleets have a responsibility to keep their drivers, and members of the public, safe. Here’s what they need to do…

Produce a Formal Safety Strategy  

Every fleet should produce, formalise and implement a safety strategy. It’s the best way of demonstrating that the business is taking duty of care seriously and in a proactive way. Without one, you’re vulnerable and exposed. Think about the areas of safety that concern the business, its industry and drivers themselves; factor in as much information as you can.

Educate your Drivers 

Your drivers need to understand safety standards and what’s expected of them on a day-to-day basis. Crucially, their views and concerns should be factored in when producing your safety strategy. Make sure that they’re comfortable, and satisfied, with their responsibilities and offer training and guidance when it’s required.

Choose the Right Vehicles 

Something that’s often overlooked when it comes to vehicle acquisition is safety; it’s not, after all, all about loading capacity or mpg ratings. Whilst modern vehicles are safe as a general rule, some will have better safety ratings than others. Do some research, and demonstrate that safety is a part of the equation for the business.

Service and Maintain your Vehicles

It’s crucial that fleets regularly inspect, service and maintain their vehicles. The process should be like clockwork. Some things should be checked on a daily basis, such as tyres. Others can be checked once a week or so. What matters is that checks are conducted and logged, and that you always know which vehicles are due a trip to the garage and when.

Reward Compliant Drivers 

Drivers that go above and beyond in realising safety objectives should be recognised and rewarded. Highlight their success in meetings and offer them some kind of benefit for coming out on top; anything from an extra days holiday or a voucher is probably sufficient. The point is that you recognise their performance in a meaningful way.

Hydrogen Not Viable For Van Fleets, Claims AFP – https://autoservefleet.co.uk/latest-news/hydrogen-not-viable-for-van-fleets-claims-afp/

Motorists Are Still Getting A “Raw Deal” At Petrol Stations – https://autoserve.co.uk/motoring-news/motorists-are-still-getting-a-raw-deal-at-petrol-stations/

With over 16,000 approved garages, a 24/7 support service and a host of cost-saving offers, we can keep your fleet moving and operational. Call one of our professional Service Advisers on 0121 521 3500 for more details. 

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