According to FleetCheck, a significant amount of fleets have neglected their fuel policies due to ongoing shortages…
Fleets Neglect Fuel Policies
Fleet fuel policies have ‘gone out of the window’ as a consequence of shortages, according to FleetCheck. Because drivers have sometimes been forced to purchase fuel wherever they can get it, higher prices than usual have had to be tolerated. This comes at a time when fuel prices have nearly reached a record high, too; posing serious financial risks for some businesses.
According to the RAC, the rising prices are not a product of localised shortages. Instead, they’re a result of the rising price of oil. Moreover, prices could reach a record high over the coming weeks. The organisation also claims that some suppliers may have been profiteering during the crisis, making the situation worse for drivers.
Are Fuel Cards the Answer?
Peter Golding, managing director at FleetCheck, commented on the situation. He said, “most well-managed fleets have fuel policies that are designed to minimise costs. For example, by specifying certain types of outlet or using a fuel card. But those measures have very much gone out of the window and there has been a rapid loss of control”. He added, “we can see, for example, that company car and van drivers at some of our software users have been buying fuel from motorway services, which would generally be almost unknown. Presumably, they’ve been unable to get petrol and diesel anywhere else”.
He suggested, ultimately, that fuel cards are probably the most remedy for fleets struggling against rising prices. He said, “users of fuel cards will tend to have access to preferential fuel rates, for example, as well as being provided with more information about fuel availability. Telematics also has a potentially important role to play in ensuring that employees are driving in a style that helps to maximise fuel economy”.
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