Rapidly rising fuel prices in the UK are causing an increasing number of people to get electric vehicles (EVs)…

Fuel Prices Accelerate Electrification

Businesses are accelerating the electrification of their fleets in response to rising fuel prices. That’s according to new research conducted by Samsara. It found that 84% of businesses in the UK’s industrial, manufacturing, and logistics sectors regard the sustainability of their fleets as either a ‘high’ or ‘critical’ priority. Some 61% of them are increasing their investments in sustainability initiatives this year.

The research has also highlighted an increasing desire amongst fleets to contribute more actively towards decarbonisation. Some four out of ten of the businesses (38%) have actually already implemented a formalised sustainability strategy. A further 59% plan to develop one before the end of the year.

‘A Raw Deal’ for Motorists 

Fuel prices are reaching a critical level in the UK, with prices edging closer and closer to the £2 a litre mark. Thus far, the Government hasn’t mentioned any further measures to ease the impact on the people’s finances.

Simon Williams, the RAC’s fuel spokesman, commented on the situation. He said, “the rate at which pump prices have been rising over the last four weeks is hard to comprehend. Not a day in June went by when petrol prices didn’t go up. Even though the price retailers pay to buy in fuel went down. There’s no doubt that drivers are getting an incredibly raw deal at the pumps at a time when the cost-of-living crisis is being felt ever more acutely”.

He continued, “the silence from the Treasury when it comes to supporting drivers through this time of record high pump prices is, frankly, deafening. Perhaps it has something do with the fact that it’s benefitting significantly from the increased VAT revenue caused by the high prices”.

UK Fleets To Invest Nearly £14 Billion In EVs During 2022 – https://autoservefleet.co.uk/latest-news/uk-fleets-to-invest-nearly-14-billion-in-evs-during-2022/

Fuel Protests Bring Roads To A Standstill – https://autoserve.co.uk/motoring-news/fuel-protests-bring-roads-to-a-standstill/

With over 16,000 approved garages, a 24/7 support service and a host of cost-saving offers, we can keep your fleet moving and operational. Call one of our professional Service Advisers on 0121 521 3500 for more details.  

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