Speeding Is Responsible For Most Fleet Driving Offences

New data has revealed that speeding incidents make up the majority of fleet-related driving offences…

Fleets and Speeding

FleetCheck has shed light on the most common fleet driving offences. Speeding is responsible for more than 82% of driving offences concerning company cars and vans. It’s followed by phone use (2.7%), a lack of third-party insurance (2.6%), not giving driver information (2.5%) and jumping red lights (2.0%).

Worryingly, three out of four speeding offences concerned incidents on public roads (as opposed to the likes of motorways). All of this poses major duty of care risks for fleets, which have a responsibility to not only keep their drivers safe but also other road-users and members of the public. Being vicariously liable, employers can themselves be prosecuted should their drivers break the law.

Encouragement and Training 

Peter Golding, managing director at FleetCheck, commented on the data. He said, “all of this says one thing to us – that employers should be encouraging and training drivers to slow down and even potentially penalising them when they don’t. Driving over the limit is not just dangerous but uses more fuel and causes more vehicle wear and tear. It’s bad from every angle”.

He continued, “These could well be grey fleet drivers and checking that employees have the necessary cover is something that all fleet managers should do. We’ve been really pleased with the reception to the product. Licence checking is a fundamental part of modern fleet risk management, and we are confident that we have made it as easy and as effective as possible”.

A Third Of Fleets Plan On Being Zero Emission By 2030 – https://autoservefleet.co.uk/latest-news/a-third-of-fleets-plan-on-being-zero-emission-by-2030/

BVRLA: Government Must Maintain EV Incentives – https://autoserve.co.uk/motoring-news/bvrla-government-must-maintain-ev-incentives/

With over 16,000 approved garages, a 24/7 support service and a host of cost-saving offers, we can keep your fleet moving and operational. Call one of our professional Service Advisers on 0121 521 3500 for more details.  

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