Tyre management is a fundamental aspect of an effective duty of care policy; regardless of how big or small a fleet might be. Here’s everything you need to know…

Vehicle maintenance is a fundamental feature of fleet management. It helps reduce costs, keeps vehicles moving and (crucially) helps to keep drivers safe. However, it’s easy to overlook just how often tyre management needs to be taken into account.

Gil Kelly, Operations Director of Venson Automotive Solutions, has stressed the need for regular checks. He said, “ensuring fleet driver safety should always be at the top of the agenda for any business, but it’s easy to overlook how important regular tyre checks are.” He added, “these should be at the core of any tyre management policy, with staff trained to frequently carry out necessary checks, including tyre pressure, tread depth and damage.”

Kelly has also suggested that vehicle maintenance should ideally be proactive. This ultimately means that a fleet should be aware of the types of mileage vehicles are covering, where they are in contractual periods and sort of driving they’re being subjected to.

Tips On Effective Tyre Management

1) Train members of staff to carry out checks and competently. They should understand legal standards and what’s fit for purpose.

2) Tyre pressures should be regularly checked. Different pressures will be needed based on load and the time of year.

3) Generally speaking, all-weather tyres are more economical than winter tyres. There’s no need to invest in the latter if you’re looking after and regularly inspecting regular variants.

4) Implement and monitor regular checks. 

5) Make sure to record when checks are being made and what the outcomes were. This is important in demonstrating consistent duty of care.

Duty Of Care: Let Autoserve Take Care Of It For You – http://autoserve.co.uk/motoring-tips-advice/duty-care-autoserve/

Five Fleet Management Challenges And Their Solutions: https://autoservefleet.co.uk/latest-news/five-fleet-management-challenges-and-their-solutions/

With over 16,000 approved garages, a 24/7 support service and a host of cost-saving offers, we can keep your fleet moving and operational. Call one of our professional Service Advisers on 0121 521 3500 for more details. 

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